Searching for the Digital Evidence in Your Physical Crime Scene: Part 2

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators

Topic Area: High Tech Crimes, Training

Event Type: Webinar

Delivery Method: Webinar


On Demand
Duration: 90 Minutes

Early identification and recovery of digital evidence are critical for an investigation, and the amount and types of technical evidence have grown exponentially. This webinar will discuss digital “footprints” that can help you during your investigations, no matter your technical background. We will discuss victim-based, suspect-based, and location-based ways of finding evidence to include innovative ways of seeing a crime scene through different technologies. Remember, even though your suspect’s device did not “connect” to anything, it likely did leave a trail on the victim’s device, nearby routers, or may have been collected by tech companies. This webinar is designed for investigators, prosecutors, crime analysts, or those who generally investigate crimes. No high-tech background is needed! Though it is recommended, you do not need to attend part 1 to attend part 2.

Part 2 will cover topics related to:
• Cellular technology and information
• Geofences
• Corroborating evidence
• Cellular tracking of vehicles
• Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) and an advanced legal process

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