FBI Issues Cyber Alert As Organized Criminals Drive Dating Site Fraud Up 70%

The FBI has issued a warning for Americans to be wary of “confidence/romance scams,” after the Bureau saw a 70% annual rise in reported fraud, where dating sites were used to trick victims into sending money, purchasing items or even laundering or muling money for people met online. The shift from basic fraud to money laundering is a significant worry for U.S. law enforcement and represents a nasty twist in the age-old problem of romance scams.

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Minister: Cyber crime limits govt, business potential

Cyber crime has become a powerful countervailing force that is limiting the potential of business and government, says communications and digital technologies minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams. According to the South African Banking Risk Information Centre, South Africa ranks third globally for the number of cyber crime victims, with consumers and businesses losing an estimated R2.2 billion a year.
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Cyber crimes are increasing, but those with cyber insurance are not

Breaches at most companies never make the news. In 2018, there were 1,244 data breaches in the U.S., according to Statista, and each one took an average of 197 days to detect, IBM said. Security firm Symantec estimates that 4,800 websites each month are injected with “formjacking” code, which cybercriminals use to steal personal information.
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