DOJ instructs state, local law enforcement to excuse feds traveling for work from lock downs

Despite lock downs and travel restrictions that are beginning to spread across the country, many federal employees still need to go into work to provide essential services. That’s why, on March 20, the Office of Attorney General William Barr sent a memo to all U.S. attorneys instructing them on how to deal with federal employees traveling to and from work during a lock down.
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Building a Human Firewall Against Cybercrime

Improving cybersecurity protection can reap significant economic and reputational benefits, but simply purchasing the latest fraud-prevention technology is not enough—without the support of a trained workforce, even the most advanced technology can fall short of the mark. Financial institutions (FIs) should seek to understand their own risk exposures and tailor their internal controls, procedures and workforce training accordingly.
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Cyber Crime in the Wake of COVID-19: What Employers Can Do to Prevent Cyber Attacks

In the wake of COVID-19, employers are urging – and in some instances requiring – all employees to work remotely. However, this poses increased risks associated with lack of cybersecurity protocol and oversight when employees are working remotely. In short, the term “social distancing” inevitably leads to the risks associated with “social engineering.” Cyber threat actors are preying on the concerns associated with COVID-19 and the potential lack of secure office environments as a launching pad for cyber-attacks.

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IACP Conference