Hamden Police Department – Computer Crimes Unit

The Computer Crimes Unit was established in July 2006 by Chief Thomas Wydra. Sergeant Robert DÕAniello is the supervisor assigned to this Unit. The Unit’s computer forensic equipment allows the Department to analyze forensic computer evidence and take a proactive role in the investigation of computer crimes, specifically the Internet crimes against children.

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National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)

The NLECTC is the conduit between researchers and criminal justice professionals in the field for technology issues. NLECTC works with criminal justice professionals to identify urgent and emerging technology needs. NIJ sponsors research and development or identifies best practices to address those needs. NLECTC centers demonstrate new technologies, test commercially available technologies and publish results Ñ linking research with practice.

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National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)

The NLECTC Communications Technology Center of Excellence (CoE) mission is to support the NIJ research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) process. The CoE performs this mission by providing specialized technology assistance, information and support to law enforcement and other appropriate criminal justice agencies. The Communications Technology CoE intends to provide a secure envrionment for sharing information and exchanging ideas.

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National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)

The NIJ Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCoE) is committed to improving the practice and strengthening the impact of forensic science through rigorous technology corroboration, evaluation, and adoption; effective knowledge transfer and education; and comprehensive dissemination of best practices and guidelines to agencies dedicated to combating crime.

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RTI International – Cyber Security

RTI researchers devlope methods and tools for sharing large-scale data sets of varying degrees of senstivity with members of the cyber security resesarch community. In addition, RTI is capable of economic analysis and modeling for critical infrastructure and cyber security investment decisions . RTI staff also performs data mining for hostile surveillance patterns, terrorist profiling, and other homeland security studies.

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High Tech Crime Consortium

The High Tech Crime Consortium is a nonprofit organization that assists law enforcement and corporate investigators to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to combat 21st Century crime where the use or abuse of digital technology is an element of an offense.

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FireEye, Inc.

FireEye, Inc. is a network security company that provides automated threat forensics and dynamic malware protection against advanced cyber threats, such as advanced persistent threats and spear phishing. FireEye protects both large and small organizations committed to stopping advanced cyber threats, data breaches and zero-day attacks.

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FBI Cyber Shield Alliance

Accessed though LEEP.gov, CSA provides sensitive information not posted to the open Internet, as well as a variety of free online training for law enforcement officials and support staff

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IACP Conference