Newberg-Dundee Police – Computer Crime Unit

Newberg-Dundee Police began conducting digital investigations in 2003. The CCU has a dedicated, secure lab. The CCU lab consists of a dedicated evidence processing station, individual examiner workstations and a secure evidence storage room. Examination equipment consists of multiple state of the art forensic workstations for each examiner; hardware based forensic imaging tools; cellular telephone acquisition systems; and mobile examination equipment. Examiners assigned to the CCU hold multiple computer forensics and technology certifications.

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Scottsdale PD – Computer Crime Unit

The Computer Crimes Unit, in addition to computer examinations, completes video enhancement requests, analyzes cell phones and provides technical investigatory assistance, while continuing to investigate its own computer-related criminal cases. Along side the standard criminal investigations, the unit also began to assist the City of Scottsdale’s Information Services in data recovery on corrupted city terminals.

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Brevard Sheriff

The Economic Crimes Unit/Task Force is comprised of an investigative Sergeant, eight full-time investigators, computer forensics specialist, Crime Analyst and Investigative Support Specialist. In addition, the unit has partnered with Federal counterparts to effectively pursue all violators with no jurisdictional concerns. The Economic Crime Unit is responsible for investigating identity theft, exploitation of elderly, schemes to defraud, public assistance fraud, money laundering, and/or any substantial fraudulent type crimes where the victims suffers a loss.

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Belmont PD – Computer Crime Unit

The Computer Crime Unit is tasked with investigating crimes that have a digital evidence component. These crimes can be inherently digital in nature, such as online auction fraud; or have an element of digital evidence, such as a drug investigation that cellphones have been seized from. Computer Crime Investigators investigate both online components of high-tech crime, and also perform forensic analyses on seized, surrendered, or recovered computers, cellphones, digital cameras, etc.

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NEMLEC Computer Crime Unit

The North Eastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council is a consortium of 50 cities and towns in Northeastern Massachusetts that share police services and two sheriffs departments (Middlesex/Essex). The Medford Police Department hosts the Computer Crime unvestigation Unit for the NEMLEC. The Computer Crime Unit is responsible for taining police in computer crime investigations, providing community-based Internet Safety Training and to investigate all forms of crimes facilitated by the use of high technology within our jurisdictions.

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Suffolk County Police Computer Crimes Unit

The Suffolk Cyber Crime Unit aims to combat the rising number of cyber and cyber enabled crime. The unit will be responsible for investigating all offences where networked computers or technology have bee nused to commit crimes, from child pornography, human trafficking, drugs and contraband and the increasing problem of online fraud.

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IACP Conference