The NLECTC is the conduit between researchers and criminal justice professionals in the field for technology issues. NLECTC works with criminal justice professionals to identify urgent and emerging technology needs. NIJ sponsors research and development or identifies best practices to address those needs. NLECTC centers demonstrate new technologies, test commercially available technologies and publish results Ñ linking research with practice.
Lab capability: Digital evidence and forensics lab
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)
The NLECTC is the conduit between researchers and criminal justice professionals in the field for technology issues. NLECTC works with criminal justice professionals to identify urgent and emerging technology needs. NIJ sponsors research and development or identifies best practices to address those needs. NLECTC centers demonstrate new technologies, test commercially available technologies and publish results Ñ linking research with practice.
National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework
The National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework classifies the typical duties and skill requirements of cybersecurity workers. The Framework is meant to define professional requirements in cybersecurity, much as other professions, such as medicine and law, have done.
United States Secret Service (USSS) National computer Forensics Institute (NCFI)
The USSS NCFI is a partnership between the USSS, DHS, State of Alabama, and the Alabama District Attorney’s Association to train state and local law enforcement, judges and prosecutors in digital evidence, network intrusion, and computer/mobile device forensic issues. NCFI training courses are offered for free for state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) government attendees, through funding from the federal government.
National Fusion Center Alliance (NFCA)
The NFCA has a members-only cyber threat intelligence list that fusion center members may access.
Research and Education Network ISAC (REN-ISAC)
REN-ISAC aids and promotes cyber security operational protection and response within the higher education and resesarch communities. REN-ISAC also serves as the R&E trusted partner for served networks, the formal US ISAC community, and in other commercial, governmental, and private security information sharing relationships. It also publishes a weekly training list to which fusion centers may be added.
Washington ICAC Task Force – Seattle Police Department
The ICAC Task Force helps Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies enhance their investigative responses to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems, or computer technology to sexually exploit children. The Program is funded by the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The ICAC Program is a national network of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 3,000 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies that are engaged in proactive investigations,
West Virginia ICAC Task Force – West Virginia State Police
The ICAC Task Force helps Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies enhance their investigative responses to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems, or computer technology to sexually exploit children. The Program is funded by the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The ICAC Program is a national network of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 3,000 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies that are engaged in proactive investigations,
Wisconsin ICAC Task Force – Wisconsin Department of Justice
The ICAC Task Force helps Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies enhance their investigative responses to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems, or computer technology to sexually exploit children. The Program is funded by the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The ICAC Program is a national network of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 3,000 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies that are engaged in proactive investigations,
Wyoming ICAC Task Force – Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation
The ICAC Task Force helps Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies enhance their investigative responses to offenders who use the Internet, online communication systems, or computer technology to sexually exploit children. The Program is funded by the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. The ICAC Program is a national network of 61 coordinated task forces representing over 3,000 federal, state, and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies that are engaged in proactive investigations,