Baltimore Police Department – Cyber and Electronic Crimes Unit

The Cyber & Electronic Crime Unit is a Maryland ICAC-affiliated agency and assists with investigations involving the use of internet: Child Pornography, Credit Card Fraud, Cyber Stalking/Bullying, and much more. The unit also provides computer related digital media forensic services, evidence recovery, and education to the public in order to increase the public awareness of cyber crime.

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Montgomery County Police Financial Crimes Section – Computer Crime Unit

The Financial Crimes Section investigates crimes involving forgery/uttering, embezzlement, counterfeiting of checks/credit cards, financial exploitation of the elderly, and identity theft. The Computer Crime Unit, which is housed within the Financial Crimes Section, is responsible for computer forensics and conducting investigations involving computers, cell phones, and digital devices used as tools in a crime.

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Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General – Cyber Crime Division

The Cyber Crime Division investigates and prosecutes complex criminal cases involving digital evidence, consultation on criminal matters involving technology, and the forensic examination of digital evidence. The Division also works to advance the comprehensive Cyber Crime Initiative, which includes the Massachusetts Digital Evidence Consortium, a working group of law enforcement digital evidence analysts who convene to standardize digital evidence analysis procedures and improve training and information sharing efforts.

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Regional Enforcement Allied Computer Team (REACT)

The REACT Task Force is a diversified partnership of local, state, and federal agencies formed in cooperation with private industry to combat the escalating problem of high technology crime and the threat it poses to the health and welfare of our public and private communities. REACT conducts multi-jurisdictional investigations; to increase the recovery rate of stolen high technology, minimize those victimized by identity theft, and hold those responsible accountable.

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Orange County Sheriff High Tech Services Reserve Unit

Members of the High Tech Services Reserve Unit are made up of a combination of highly specialized individuals who are recognized as industry experts. They cover a wide range of topics and are well versed in their areas of expertise. Areas covered by this unit are: videography, still photography (film and digital format), database design, website development, Internet Safety presentations and assistance with computer crimes when called upon.

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Los Angeles Police Department – Computer Crimes Unit

The Computer Crimes Unit handles cyber crimes that include Unlawful Computer Access, Hacking, Theft of Data, Network Intrusion, Denial of Service Attacks, and the more complex and/or high dollar value Internet fraud cases (Over $10,000). CCU is responsible for all digital forensics within the Los Angeles Police Department and the Digital Forensics Team also works with the United States Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force.

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IACP Conference