National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC)

The NLECTC is the conduit between researchers and criminal justice professionals in the field for technology issues. NLECTC works with criminal justice professionals to identify urgent and emerging technology needs. NIJ sponsors research and development or identifies best practices to address those needs. NLECTC centers demonstrate new technologies, test commercially available technologies and publish results Ñ linking research with practice.

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RISS – Mid-States Organized Crime Information Center (MOCIC)

RISS offers secure information sharing and communications capabilities, critical analytical and investigative support services, and event deconfliction to enhance officer safety. RISS supports efforts against organized and violent crime, gang activity, drug activity, terrorism, human trafficking, identity theft, and other regional priorities.

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RISS – New England State Police Information Network (NESPIN)

RISS offers secure information sharing and communications capabilities, critical analytical and investigative support services, and event deconfliction to enhance officer safety. RISS supports efforts against organized and violent crime, gang activity, drug activity, terrorism, human trafficking, identity theft, and other regional priorities.

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RISS – Rocky Mountain Information Network (RMIN)

RISS offers secure information sharing and communications capabilities, critical analytical and investigative support services, and event deconfliction to enhance officer safety. RISS supports efforts against organized and violent crime, gang activity, drug activity, terrorism, human trafficking, identity theft, and other regional priorities.

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RISS – Regional Organized Crime Information Center (ROCIC)

RISS offers secure information sharing and communications capabilities, critical analytical and investigative support services, and event deconfliction to enhance officer safety. RISS supports efforts against organized and violent crime, gang activity, drug activity, terrorism, human trafficking, identity theft, and other regional priorities.

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RISS – Western States Information Network (WSIN)

RISS offers secure information sharing and communications capabilities, critical analytical and investigative support services, and event deconfliction to enhance officer safety. RISS supports efforts against organized and violent crime, gang activity, drug activity, terrorism, human trafficking, identity theft, and other regional priorities.

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Cyber Security Advisors (CSAs)

CSAs are regionally located DHS personnel who direct coordination, outreach, and regional support to protect cyber components essential to the sustainability, preparedness, and protection of the Nation’s critical infrastructure and SLTT governments.

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Protective Security Advisors (PSAs)

PSAs are trained critical infrastructure protection and vulnerability mitigation subject matter experts deployed in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.They conduct joint site visits and vulnerability assessments of critical infrastructure assets with the FBI, and work with the USSS to provide vulnerability assessments and security planning.

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SLTT Cybersecurity Engagement Program

The SLTT Cybersecurity Engagement Program builds partnerships with non-federal public stakeholders including governors, mayors, state Homeland Security Advisors (HSA), Chief Information Officers (CIO), and Chief Information Security Officers (CISO).

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IACP Conference