CI104 Virtual Currency

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Chiefs, Investigators, Officers, Prosecutors

Topic Area: High Tech Crimes, Investigations, Law Enforcement Initiatives

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online


This online course covers basic information and concepts that serve as an introduction to virtual currencies and their relationship to other types of currency. The course describes different types of virtual currencies and covers the main differences between decentralized and centralized currencies. Focusing on Bitcoin®, students will learn what Bitcoin is, how it is stored, and what are some investigative tips for law enforcement.

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CI103 Introduction to Cell Phone Investigations

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators, Officers

Topic Area: Cyber Investigations, High Tech Crimes, Investigations, Mobile Forensics

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online

This course provides an overview of the two phases of a cell phone investigation: the preservation, extraction, and analysis of data within the phone; and the acquisition and analysis of data external to the phone (call detail records and other information). Students become familiar with several forensic tools currently in use in the field, as well as NW3C’s PerpHound™, a specialized tool that assists in plotting historical cell site locations. Other topics include cell phone components,

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CI101 Understanding Digital Footprints

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators, Officers

Topic Area: Cyber Forensics, Cyber Investigations, High Tech Crimes, Investigations

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online


This course introduces learners to the concept of digital footprints and best practices in protecting personally identifiable information (PII). Topics include limiting an individual’s digital footprint, protecting privacy on social media, opting out of data aggregator sites, and the consequences of oversharing personal information; as well as steps to take after becoming a target of doxing.

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CI091 Introduction to Previewing

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators, Officers

Topic Area: High Tech Crimes

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Online


This interactive online module provides an overview of the basic concepts behind secure previewing of digital devices. Students become familiar with both onsite and offsite secure previewing, and learn to identify the two states in which a preview can be conducted (live-box and dead-box previewing). At the completion of the course, students will be able to recognize the recommended collection order of volatile data (the “order of volatility”).

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Searching for the Digital Evidence in Your Physical Crime Scene: Part 1

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators, Officers

Topic Area: Investigations

Event Type: Webinar

Delivery Method: Webinar


On Demand
Duration: 90 Minutes

Early identification and recovery of digital evidence are critical for an investigation, and the amount and types of technical evidence have grown exponentially. This webinar will discuss digital “footprints” that can help you during your investigations, no matter your technical background. We will discuss victim-based, suspect-based, and location-based ways of finding evidence to include innovative ways of seeing a crime scene through different technologies. Remember, even though your suspect’s device did not “connect”

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High-Tech Crimes: Asked and Answered

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators, Officers

Topic Area: High Tech Crimes, Investigations

Event Type: Webinar

Delivery Method: Webinar


On Demand
Duration: 75 Minutes

Join a team of experts from NW3C as they provide thoughtful and detailed answers to the high-tech crime questions you submit.

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Searching for the Digital Evidence in Your Physical Crime Scene: Part 2

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Investigators

Topic Area: High Tech Crimes, Training

Event Type: Webinar

Delivery Method: Webinar


On Demand
Duration: 90 Minutes

Early identification and recovery of digital evidence are critical for an investigation, and the amount and types of technical evidence have grown exponentially. This webinar will discuss digital “footprints” that can help you during your investigations, no matter your technical background. We will discuss victim-based, suspect-based, and location-based ways of finding evidence to include innovative ways of seeing a crime scene through different technologies. Remember, even though your suspect’s device did not “connect”

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Human Trafficking 101: A Primer for Prosecutors and Investigators

Provider: National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)

Target Audience: Chiefs, Investigators, Officers, Prosecutors

Topic Area: Investigations, Law Enforcement Initiatives, Public Safety, Training

Event Type: Webinar

Delivery Method: Webinar


On Demand
Duration: 70 Minutes

This webinar provides fundamental knowledge about human trafficking including defining the crime, addressing why it occurs and why it is unique, reviewing the relevant human trafficking criminal laws, and providing information on how to identify human trafficking, start an investigation, and prosecute the case.

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Advanced Digital Evidence for Prosecutors (ADEP)

Provider: National Computer Forensics Institute (NCFI)

Target Audience: Prosecutors

Topic Area: Cyber Forensics, Cyber Investigations

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Classroom

Understanding the forensic process is critical for a prosecutor navigating a criminal case with digital evidence.  Prosecutors will dive deep into computers and mobile devices to find hidden artifacts, and learn to analyze multiple data sources together.  ADEP is a 5-day course that provides every attendee with the requisite skills using a combination of lecture and practical exercises.  One hour of ethics instruction will be included.

During this course, you will learn:

  • The Forensic Process for Computers and Mobile Devices
  • Sources of Digital Evidence
  • OSX/Windows and their Respective Forensic Artifacts
  • Data Carving
  • Digital Data Analytics
  • Search and Seizure of Digital Evidence
  • Writing Search Warrants
  • Cloud Storage
  • Encryption
  • Networks: Email,

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Mobile Device Examiner (MDE)

Provider: National Computer Forensics Institute (NCFI)

Target Audience: Officers

Topic Area: Cyber Forensics, Cyber Investigations, Mobile Forensics

Event Type: Training

Delivery Method: Classroom

MDE is a 20 day course designed to provide hands-on experience with mobile devices. Investigators will gain experience with a wide array of mobile devices such as cell phones, GPS units, and tablets, forensics analysis tools, legal issues, and report generation for law enforcement. The course combines instructor-led discussions and practical exercises to teach methodologies and techniques used during investigations involving digital evidence of mobile devices with traditional investigative techniques.

After completing this course,

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IACP Conference