This course builds on the concepts introduced in CC 101 (BDFI). It covers the architecture and functionality of the Windows NT File System (NTFS), the FAT and the ExFAT File System, and related directory entry information for locating files on electronic devices. Topical areas include file headers and file hashing, recovery of deleted files and long file names, and techniques for discovering potential evidence that might otherwise be overlooked. This course incorporates an investigative scenario,
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This course covers the skills and techniques involved in responding to a network security incident. The course focuses on the identification, extraction, and detailed examination of artifacts associated with network and intrusions. Memory analysis, host machine forensics, network traffic and log analysis, malware analysis, and virtual machine sandboxing are covered through lecture, discussion, and hands-on exercises. Additional topics include key cybersecurity concepts and issues, as well as the various classifications and types of network attacks.
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This course covers the fundamentals of computer operations, hardware function, configuration, and best practices for the protection, preservation, and imaging of digital evidence. Presentations and hands-on exercises cover topics such as partitioning, data storage, hardware and software write blockers, the bootup and shutdown processes, live imaging, encryption detection, and duplicate imaging. This course incorporates computer forensic applications that experienced practitioners are currently using in the field.
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